Welcome to PerspectiveY

Hello fellow human. First of all I’d like to thank you for taking your time to consume my content I hope you get some value out of it.

The idea behind PerspectiveY is for the sharing of unique views on various topics or events. I’ve found that I sometimes end up with some unique takes that come out of the way in which I process the various information that I can get my hands on when thinking of different issues that impact our lives. I’ve always enjoyed getting a deeper understanding on issues instead of blindly accepting the thoughts usually passed down onto us. Nowadays it seems as though what we think is largely determined by the media we consume. It essentially dictates what’s right or wrong true or false even down to detecting how we should feel about the issues. This has never gone down well with me as I’m always asking “Why?” before I go looking at all available sources of information and generating my own view.

As individual humans we’re all different and have different upbringings, experiences, education, preferences etc which I believe should lead us to having different perspectives on any given issue based on our unique personalities. Given how different we all are I think we would each have different perspectives on various issues if we were allowed to process information to come to our own conclusions. However in the age of mainstream media and sensationalised headlines we’re told what we should think instead of the former. We usually end up adopting these thoughts as our own which I believe is the reason why most people have the same ideas and thoughts on the surface but if you try and ask them why or go deeper the answer is usually “that’s what they said”. I find this to be really sad because I rarely come across someone who has their own thoughts anymore. It’s almost as if we’ve been successfully brainwashed as a species.

This created the basis for me wanting to share my own perspectives which will probably be different from yours. I believe the picture of reality is usually very complex and as individuals we all get to see a different angle. I like to think of it as a huge thousand piece puzzle and we each get five to ten pieces of the same area to use to make sense of the whole picture. The pieces we get will usually make complete sense to us and might even trick us into believing that they’re all there is. Think of a puzzle of jungle animals, if you had the pieces that form the bird and someone asked you what the picture was you’d rightly respond that it’s a bird. However someone who got a lion would be adamant it was a lion. If the two weren’t aware that all they had were small pieces to a larger puzzle they would probably fight each other in the name of being right. They wouldn’t realise that they’re both right and both wrong at the same time. However if they decided to take turns to look at what each person had they’d realise this reality and would probably then be motivated to find all the other pieces neither of them had so as to be able to get to view the full picture. This is my ultimate take on perspectives – I believe we can all have our unique views and by looking at each of them we can better understand how we as a species think of the many aspects of our lives.

PerspectiveY is where you’ll find my raw perspectives. Hopefully you’ll find them useful and share your own valuable perspectives in the comments so we can all better understand reality.

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